Success Stories
Our greatest success story is the large number of homeowners, developers, property owners and property managers who use our services. We are proud of the referrals we get from professionals of every kind in the business world. Attorneys, accountants, and insurance agents regularly refer us to their most valued clients. Our clients trust us!
Names and specifics are used only with permission or where the information is public record or received extensive media attention.
References available upon request.
Smiles Dental formerly of Derby CT, July 2015. Originally thought to be a mid size water damage claim became a much more involved business interruption claim when the landlord refused to abate asbestos. The Business interruption claim included many variables calculated to add lost revenue based on planned marketing and office expansion. Following the water loss the office was re-located to a new larger state of the Art Facility in Shelton CT. The claim was devastating to his Derby location but they were able to look ahead and rebuild a brighter future.
JCC of Greater New Haven, December 2016. Major fire caused damage to Building, Business Personal Property. As well as a large Business Interruption loss. Our Adjusters and CPA were able to handle all aspects of the claim preparation in house. Our team worked with the JCC Executive directors and Board Members to attend to all aspects of the Insurance claim. We were available on site regularly to manage and monitor the work and progress of outside vendors and contractors.
Harbor Landing condos, New Haven, Dec 2016. A fire severely damaged 12 units. We worked with the property manager and co- ordinated all aspects of the claim preparation including meeting with individual unit owners to be sure we properly claimed betterments and improvements. Our claim details included aerial video, engineers reports, etc.
Homeowners, Stonington CT, August 2017. We were hired 4 months after the loss. The policy holder felt they were mistreated by their insurance company and the file had been mismanaged. We were able to review the building damage offer and find missing scope. We wrote an accurate building damage report and increased the offer by $81,000. We obtained a hand written 200 page inventory taken by the insurance company and transcribed, organized, interpreted and price into detailed presentation form and negotiated an appropriate settlement in a timely manner.
Frozen Pipes
New England Ballet Company of Bridgeport, January 2017. Most of the Scenery, Costumes & Props were severely damaged by water. We co-ordinated cleanup efforts with Ballet volunteers, to sort through inventory of costumes, props and scenery accumulated over 27 years. We spent 5 days inventorying and working closely with Ballet principals to properly identify each item since many carried unique descriptions and values. Additionally the majority of hand designed and painted backdrops were underwater, they had to be transported to offsite facility to dry, once dry they were again transported off site to the Klein Center so as to hang onstage and inspected, photographed and measured in order to share that information with studio artists so they could prepare a detailed report of values for adjustment purposes.
Brewers Boat Yard, 17 locations Ice Damage, New England from Maine to Long Island, Winter 2014-2015: We prepared and adjusted a major claim for 17 locations with severe dock and building damage caused by excessive ice and snow. We created a claim report of 400 pages detailing and documenting; dock damage, equipment damage, subcontractor expenses, clean up, protection, labor and material costs associated with all damages and repairs. We successfully negotiated a favorable and accurate settlement.